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Digido Enhances their Loan Repayment Experience with Brankas Direct APIs

<span class="text-yellow-300">Digido</span> Enhances their Loan Repayment Experience with Brankas Direct APIs

Success Story

Enhanced the repayment experience by implementing a convenient way for customers to pay their loans.

Enhanced the repayment experience by implementing a convenient way for customers to pay their loans.

Expedited the reconciliation process for collections with robust payment APIs.

Expedited the reconciliation process for collections with robust payment APIs.

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About Digido

Digido Finance Corporation provides non-collateral lending solutions to cater to all Filipinos, including the underbanked or underserved. Setting itself apart, Digido operates as the first fully automated online platform in the Philippines, enabling instant cash loans. The platform ensures a streamlined experience with minimal documentary requirements conveniently completed on their website. With a strong focus on efficiency, Digido boasts high loan approval rates and ensures immediate fund availability. Leveraging financial technology, Digido employs objective and swift loan approvals while automating every step of the loan process for a seamless customer experience.


The guiding principle of Digido is that every Filipino and Filipino-owned business should have easy access to affordable loans. Their mission is to assist individuals and businesses in building their credit and accessing credit facilities without physically visiting banks or offices. With its user-friendly online portal and mobile app, Digido empowers Filipinos to fulfill their financial needs around the clock, no matter their location. By providing accessible and flexible loan solutions, Digido ensures that its services are readily available to support Filipinos in achieving their financial goals.

Problem they wanted to solve

To enhance their platform's customer and operational experience, Digido sought effective tools to expedite the loan repayment and reconciliation process. Digido had a goal to streamline and secure the repayment process within its portal, making it simpler and more convenient for the company and its customers. Ensuring a user-friendly experience was paramount to Digido, as they strived to create a seamless and secure environment for borrowers to manage their loans.


Solution that was implemented

Through collaborative efforts with the Digido team, the Brankas Direct APIs were successfully integrated into the platform. The incorporation of Brankas Direct enhanced the customer repayment experience by streamlining the process and enabling secure and hassle-free loan repayment methods. This implementation not only facilitated ease for customers but also enabled Digido to collect and reconcile payments efficiently, optimizing their overall operations.

Scale your business with Brankas Direct APIs.

Join Digido and other businesses and provide a faster, better experience to your end-users.